Language Barrier = Language Bridge – Sunil Khandbahale

Shilpa: How you are converting the language barrier into the language bridge?
Sunil: UNESCO estimated 2.3 billion people, nearly 40% of the world’s population, lack access to education in their own language. It is research across 26 countries showing that over 50 percent of students who dropped out of school did not speak the language in which they were being educated. In short, language barrier is the huge academic failure. I was victim of such language barrier. Because I was hardly expose to English language until age 16 during my schooling, I had big NO for engineering. Somehow, I found a professor who helped me with dictionary. I learn language and achieve my goal. But not everyone is blessed as I am – to have that professor in time. There are millions of children coming from different background and are not able to have to compromise with their dreams. So I found my purpose and decided to act on it.
Once, Nelson Mandela has said, “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.”
KHANDBAHALE.COM is a award-winning second-language-acquisition platform, and it’s free. 85% of KHANDBAHALE.COM’s products and services are comes under freemium category. Those are free to access, free to download, software for your computer, apps for smartphones and tablets. If you just search for the term ‘’KHANDBAHALE.COM on google or play-store to download apps, you are good to go!
Full video url : or visit BookMyActivity.Co.In
Credits : Shilpa Dhamne, Chinmay Dhamne, Pankaj Gahivad, & Studio: The Open Window.