Sunil Khandbahale @ TEDxBeconStreet Boston
May 23, 2023
Sunil Khandbahale @ TEDxBeconStreet Boston
Sunil Khandbahale @ TEDxBeconStreet Boston
कुंभथॉन – कुंभमेळा २०१५ साठी कुंभथॉन वरदान – सुनील खांडबहाले
Kumbhathon – US MIT Delegates visit Nashik for Kumbhmela Technologies
KumbhMela, arguably the biggest religious gathering in the world, set to be held in Nashik this year, brings to mind thousands of Babas dipping in the holy waters of Ganga-Godavari, and for the 70s enthusiasts, twins getting lost in childhood and finding each other after 20 years, or heroes singlehandedly saving the city from an… read more »