Sunil Khandbahale speaking about “Learning, goes Digital” at India Today School Summit 2017
Technology is neutral by itself. It is up to us humankind, how constructive or destructive we envision to apply it. Don’t you think that the fear of technology in education of some people is meaningless. In my opinion, digital learning is yet to discover the power of technology to its fullest potential with upcoming AI, VR, deep ML & more recent MIT research about AI to learn emotional arcs while watching movies. I strongly believe that ‘Classroom Environment’ could be the best application for such meaningful technology. How can we execute the mission of “No child left behind”? In my observation with diverse academia, I found that schooling is missing the foremost opportunity to learn from the behavioural study, where the rest of industry is doing great with the technology gift of realtime feedback. What do you think are some of the breakthroughs that technology has brought in the field of digital learning? Can you spell some of the good/bad ideas of futuristic technologies in digital learning space would be?

Indeed, it was great pleasure to share panel discussion with Nirav Khambhati, CEO, Tata ClassEdge; Nishant Patni, Co-founder, CultureAlley; Santosh Phad, Co-founder, ThinkSharp Foundation; and Sonali Patankar, Founder, Ahaan Foundation and pannel moderator Kaveree Bamzai, Editor of Special Projects, India Today at India Today School Summit 2017 at Trident Hotel, Mumbai.