education - Sunil KHANDBAHALE

Education = Transformation – Sunil KHANDBAHALE

Shilpa: How are you imparting Education? Why? Sunil: I believe “Education is the Answer to all the Odds”. May it be poverty, may it be corruption, population, unemployment, health and hygiene… you name it. Only education can solve all those challenges. Education is the best gift that one can give. Let me share you my… read more »

Languages count for Education

Languages count for Education. Children who study in their mother tongue, learn better and faster, perform well with self confidence, self esteem and classroom engagement. Unfortunately 2.3 billion, nearly 40% of the world’s population lack access to education in their own language.

India 50 years behind on education goals, says UN report

Unesco report states more than 60 million children in India receive little or no formal education It has the highest number of out-of-school students in lower secondary level at 11.1 million. At the upper secondary level, 46.8 million are out of school, while 2.9 million students do not even attend primary school. The report says that… read more »
